At DKS we see the world of power divided into two camps, Persistent and Intermittent sources.
On the Persistent spectrum, we consider anything that is always on.
For example, when your phone battery runs out of power, how do you get it back to work? You find an electric outlet and plug it in to recharge it. The plug itself is a clear example of a Persistent Power Souce. The electric grid is almost always on, and it is consistently providing electricity for connected devices. However, the downside of this technology is that it is not mobile, and it requires complex infrastructure to make it work.
In contrast, a source would be considered Intermittent when it affords mobility but eventually runs out of power and needs maintenance or replacement. Intermittent power sources tend to depend on external factors, such as the weather or available diesel.
Back to the case of a phone, its battery is the Intermittent Source, and while it remains charged, the device works without problems. Nothing beats its mobility, and it allows the device to work as intended; but when a battery dies, it either needs to be recharged, replaced, or discarded, rendering the entire device useless.
DKS' technology is trying to bring the best of both worlds to portable electronic devices. Our power sources provide the continuous, reliable, and predictable generation of a Persistent Power Source with the convenience and mobility of an intermittent one. Our ultimate goal is to make it applicable to all electronic devices.
In conclusion, if we go back to the phone example, we see a world where a PPS is inside the phone and it complements its battery and charge functions, allowing it to operate on a single charge for a week or two.
About Direct Kinetic Solutions
Direct Kinetic Solutions envisions becoming the power solution for future generations. The company develops, manufactures, and sells Persistent Power Sources (PPS). These devices harness the high energy density of beta-emitting isotopes and utilize their continuous, and steady emission of energy to generate current that can be utilized to directly power devices, charge chemical batteries, or work as complements to other power sources, such as solar.
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